Drake C++ Documentation
optimization Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for optimization:


file  affine_ball.h
file  affine_subspace.h
file  c_iris_collision_geometry.h
file  cartesian_product.h
file  convex_hull.h
file  convex_set.h
file  cspace_free_box.h
file  cspace_free_internal.h
file  cspace_free_polytope.h
file  cspace_free_polytope_base.h
file  cspace_free_structs.h
file  cspace_separating_plane.h
 This file is used in our C-IRIS algorithm and will be used in our C-Space path certifier, which certifies collision-free region in the configuration space, by finding separating planes for each pair of geometry over all configurations in a C-space region.
file  geodesic_convexity.h
file  graph_of_convex_sets.h
file  hpolyhedron.h
file  hyperellipsoid.h
file  hyperrectangle.h
file  intersection.h
file  iris.h
file  iris_internal.h
file  minkowski_sum.h
file  point.h
file  spectrahedron.h
file  test_utilities.h
file  vpolytope.h