Drake C++ Documentation
ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class drake::multibody::ArticulatedBodyInertia< T >

Articulated Body Inertia is the inertia that a body appears to have when it is the base (or root) of a rigid-body system, also referred to as Articulated Body in the context of articulated body algorithms.

The Articulated Body Inertia is a very useful multibody dynamics concept that was introduced by Featherstone [Featherstone 1983] to develop the remarkable O(n) Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA) for solving forward dynamics. Recall that the Newton-Euler equations allow us to describe the combined rotational and translational dynamics of a rigid body:

  F_BBo_W = M_B_W * A_WB + Fb_Bo_W                                     (1)

where the spatial inertia (see SpatialInertia) M_B_W of body B expressed in the world frame W linearly relates the spatial acceleration (see SpatialAcceleration) of body B in the world frame with the total applied spatial forces (see SpatialForce) F_BBo on body B and where Fb_Bo_W contains the velocity dependent gyroscopic terms.

A similar relationship is found for an articulated body with a rigid body B at the base (or root). Even though the bodies in this multibody system are allowed to have relative motions among them, there still is a linear relationship between the spatial force F_BBo_W applied on this body and the resulting acceleration A_WB:

  F_BBo_W = P_B_W * A_WB + Z_Bo_W                                       (2)

where P_B_W is the articulated body inertia of body B and Z_Bo_W is a bias force that includes the gyroscopic and Coriolis forces and becomes zero when all body velocities and all applied generalized forces outboard from body B are zero [Jain 2010, §7.2.1]. The articulated body inertia P_B_W is related to the multibody subsystem consisting only of bodies that are outboard of body B. We refer to this subsystem as the articulated body subsystem associated with body B. Equation (2) describes the acceleration response of body B, but also taking into account all outboard bodies connected to B. A special case is that of an articulated body composed of a single rigid body. For this special case, Eq. (2) reduces to Eq. (1) for the dynamics of rigid body B. In other words, the ABI for an articulated body consisting of a single rigid body exactly equals the spatial inertia of that body.

Articulated body inertias are elements of ℝ⁶ˣ⁶ that, as for spatial inertias, are symmetric and positive semi-definite. However, ABI objects are not spatial inertias. The spatial inertia of a rigid body can be described by a reduced set of ten parameters, namely the mass, center of mass and the six components of the rotational inertia for that body. However, this parametrization by ten parameters is just not possible for an ABI and the full 21 elements of the symmetric 6x6 matrix must be specified [Jain 2010, §6.4]. As a result ABI objects can have different properties than spatial inertia objects. As an example, the apparent mass of an articulated body will in general depend on the direction of the applied force. That is, the simple relationship F = m * a is no longer valid for an articulated body's center of mass (refer to the excellent example 7.1 in [Featherstone 2008]).

We adopt the notation introduced by [Jain 2010] and generally we will use an uppercase P to represent an ABI. Thus, in typeset material we use the symbol \( [P^{A/Q}]_E \) to represent the spatial inertia of an articulated body A, about a point Q, expressed in a frame E. For this inertia, the monogram notation reads P_AQ_E.

This class does not implement any mechanism to track the frame E in which an articulated body inertia is expressed or about what point is computed. Methods and operators on this class have no means to determine frame consistency through operations. It is therefore the responsibility of users of this class to keep track of frames in which operations are performed. We suggest doing that using disciplined notation, as described above.
  • [Featherstone 1983] Featherstone, R., 1983. The calculation of robot dynamics using articulated-body inertias. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2(1), pp.13-30.
  • [Featherstone 2008] Featherstone, R., 2008. Rigid body dynamics algorithms. Springer.
  • [Jain 2010] Jain, A., 2010. Robot and multibody dynamics: analysis and algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media.
Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be one of the default scalars.

#include <drake/multibody/tree/articulated_body_inertia.h>

Public Member Functions

 ArticulatedBodyInertia ()=default
 Default ArticulatedBodyInertia constructor initializes all matrix values to NaN for a quick detection of uninitialized values. More...
 ArticulatedBodyInertia (const SpatialInertia< T > &M_SQ_E)
 Constructs an articulated body inertia for an articulated body consisting of a single rigid body given its spatial inertia. More...
template<typename Derived >
 ArticulatedBodyInertia (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &matrix)
 Constructs an articulated body inertia from an input matrix. More...
template<typename Scalar >
ArticulatedBodyInertia< Scalar > cast () const
 Returns a new ArticulatedBodyInertia object templated on Scalar with casted values of this articulated body inertia. More...
template<typename T1 = T>
std::enable_if_t< scalar_predicate< T1 >::is_bool, bool > IsPhysicallyValid () const
 Performs a number of checks to verify that this is a physically valid articulated body inertia. More...
template<typename T1 = T>
std::enable_if_t<!scalar_predicate< T1 >::is_bool, bool > IsPhysicallyValid () const
 IsPhysicallyValid() for non-numeric scalar types is not supported. More...
Matrix6< T > CopyToFullMatrix6 () const
 Copy to a full 6x6 matrix representation. More...
void ShiftInPlace (const Vector3< T > &p_QR_E)
 Given this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for some articulated body A, computed about point Q, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the rigid body shift operator to compute the same articulated body inertia about a new point R. More...
ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > Shift (const Vector3< T > &p_QR_E) const
 Given this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for some articulated body A, computed about point Q, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the rigid body shift operator to compute the same articulated body inertia about a new point R. More...
ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > & operator+= (const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &P_BQ_E)
 Adds in to this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for an articulated body A about a point Q and expressed in a frame E the articulated body inertia P_BQ_E for a second articulated body B about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E. More...
ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > & operator-= (const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &P_BQ_E)
 Subtracts P_BQ_E from this articulated body inertia. More...
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Eigen::Product< Eigen::SelfAdjointView< const Matrix6< T >, Eigen::Lower >, OtherDerived > operator * (const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &rhs) const
 Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the right by a matrix or vector. More...
SpatialForce< T > operator * (const SpatialAcceleration< T > &A_WB_E) const
 Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the right by a spatial acceleration. More...
Implements CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, MoveConstructible, MoveAssignable
 ArticulatedBodyInertia (const ArticulatedBodyInertia &)=default
ArticulatedBodyInertiaoperator= (const ArticulatedBodyInertia &)=default
 ArticulatedBodyInertia (ArticulatedBodyInertia &&)=default
ArticulatedBodyInertiaoperator= (ArticulatedBodyInertia &&)=default


template<typename >
class ArticulatedBodyInertia
template<typename OtherDerived >
const Eigen::Product< OtherDerived, Eigen::SelfAdjointView< const Matrix6< T >, Eigen::Lower > > operator * (const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &lhs, const ArticulatedBodyInertia &rhs)
 Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the left by a matrix or vector. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia() [1/5]

ArticulatedBodyInertia ( const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &  )

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia() [2/5]

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia() [3/5]

Default ArticulatedBodyInertia constructor initializes all matrix values to NaN for a quick detection of uninitialized values.

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia() [4/5]

ArticulatedBodyInertia ( const SpatialInertia< T > &  M_SQ_E)

Constructs an articulated body inertia for an articulated body consisting of a single rigid body given its spatial inertia.

From an input spatial inertia M_SQ_E for a body or composite body S, about point Q, and expressed in a frame E, this constructor creates an articulated body inertia about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E.

[in]M_SQ_EThe spatial inertia of a body or composite body S about point Q and expressed in frame E.

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia() [5/5]

ArticulatedBodyInertia ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  matrix)

Constructs an articulated body inertia from an input matrix.

In Debug, this constructor checks for the physical validity of the resulting ArticulatedBodyInertia with IsPhysicallyValid() and throws a std::runtime_error exception in the event the provided input matrix leads to a non-physically viable articulated body inertia.

[in]matrixA matrix or matrix expression representing the articulated body inertia. Only the lower triangular region is used and the strictly upper part is ignored.
std::exceptionin Debug builds if IsPhysicallyValid() for this inertia is false.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cast()

ArticulatedBodyInertia<Scalar> cast ( ) const

Returns a new ArticulatedBodyInertia object templated on Scalar with casted values of this articulated body inertia.

Template Parameters
ScalarThe scalar type on which the new articulated body inertia will be templated.
ArticulatedBodyInertia<From>::cast<To>() creates a new ArticulatedBodyInertia<To> from an ArticulatedBodyInertia<From> but only if type To is constructible from type From. As an example of this, ArticulatedBodyInertia<double>::cast<AutoDiffXd>() is valid since AutoDiffXd a(1.0) is valid. However, ArticulatedBodyInertia<AutoDiffXd>::cast<double>() is not.

◆ CopyToFullMatrix6()

Matrix6<T> CopyToFullMatrix6 ( ) const

Copy to a full 6x6 matrix representation.

◆ IsPhysicallyValid() [1/2]

std::enable_if_t<scalar_predicate<T1>::is_bool, bool> IsPhysicallyValid ( ) const

Performs a number of checks to verify that this is a physically valid articulated body inertia.

The checks performed are:

  • The matrix is positive semi-definite.

◆ IsPhysicallyValid() [2/2]

std::enable_if_t<!scalar_predicate<T1>::is_bool, bool> IsPhysicallyValid ( ) const

IsPhysicallyValid() for non-numeric scalar types is not supported.

◆ operator *() [1/2]

const Eigen::Product<Eigen::SelfAdjointView<const Matrix6<T>, Eigen::Lower>, OtherDerived> operator * ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  rhs) const

Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the right by a matrix or vector.

This method does not evaluate the product immediately. Instead, it returns an intermediate Eigen quantity that can be optimized automatically during compile time.

◆ operator *() [2/2]

SpatialForce<T> operator * ( const SpatialAcceleration< T > &  A_WB_E) const

Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the right by a spatial acceleration.

See Eq. (2) for an example.

◆ operator+=()

ArticulatedBodyInertia<T>& operator+= ( const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &  P_BQ_E)

Adds in to this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for an articulated body A about a point Q and expressed in a frame E the articulated body inertia P_BQ_E for a second articulated body B about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E.

The result is equivalent to the articulated body inertia P_CQ_E for the composite articulated body C which has at its base a rigid body composed of the bases of A and B welded together [Featherstone 2008, example 7.1]. The composite articulated body inertia P_CQ_E is also about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E as the addends.

[in]P_BQ_EAn articulated body inertia of some articulated body B to be added to this articulated body inertia. It must be defined about the same point Q as this inertia, and expressed in the same frame E.
A reference to this articulated body inertia, which has been updated to include the given articulated body inertia P_BQ_E.
This operation is only valid if both articulated body inertias are computed about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E.

◆ operator-=()

ArticulatedBodyInertia<T>& operator-= ( const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &  P_BQ_E)

Subtracts P_BQ_E from this articulated body inertia.

P_BQ_E must be for the same articulated body B as this ABI (about the same point Q and expressed in the same frame E). The resulting inertia will have the same properties.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

ArticulatedBodyInertia& operator= ( ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &&  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

ArticulatedBodyInertia& operator= ( const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &  )

◆ Shift()

ArticulatedBodyInertia<T> Shift ( const Vector3< T > &  p_QR_E) const

Given this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for some articulated body A, computed about point Q, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the rigid body shift operator to compute the same articulated body inertia about a new point R.

The result still is expressed in frame E.

See also
ShiftInPlace() for more details.
[in]p_QR_EVector from the original about point Q to the new about point R, expressed in the same frame E this articulated body inertia is expressed in.
Return values
P_AR_EThis same articulated body inertia for articulated body A but now computed about a new point R.

◆ ShiftInPlace()

void ShiftInPlace ( const Vector3< T > &  p_QR_E)

Given this articulated body inertia P_AQ_E for some articulated body A, computed about point Q, and expressed in frame E, this method uses the rigid body shift operator to compute the same articulated body inertia about a new point R.

The result still is expressed in frame E.

Mathematically, this is equivalent to:

P_AR_E = Φ(P_RQ_E) P_AQ_E Φ(p_RQ_E)ᵀ

where Φ(p_RQ_E) is the rigid body shift operator as defined by [Jain 2010]. The definition of Φ(p_RQ_E) uses p_QR_E×, which is the skew-symmetric cross product matrix (defined such that a× b = a.cross(b)).

Φ(p_RQ_E) =
| I₃  p_RQ_E× |
| 0        I₃ |

where p_RQ_E× = -p_QR_E×.

This operation is performed in-place modifying the original object.

See also
Shift() which does not modify this object.

For details see Section 6.2.5, Page 105 of [Jain 2010].

[in]p_QR_EVector from the original about point Q to the new about point R, expressed in the same frame E this articulated body inertia is expressed in.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ArticulatedBodyInertia

friend class ArticulatedBodyInertia

◆ operator *

const Eigen::Product<OtherDerived, Eigen::SelfAdjointView<const Matrix6<T>, Eigen::Lower> > operator * ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< OtherDerived > &  lhs,
const ArticulatedBodyInertia< T > &  rhs 

Multiplies this articulated body inertia on the left by a matrix or vector.

This method does not evaluate the product immediately. Instead, it returns an intermediate Eigen quantity that can be optimized automatically during compile time.

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