Drake C++ Documentation
multibody_tree_indexes.h File Reference
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using FrameIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class FrameTag >
 Type used to identify frames by index in a multibody plant. More...
using BodyIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class RigidBodyTag >
 Type used to identify RigidBodies (a.k.a. More...
using ForceElementIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class ForceElementTag >
 Type used to identify force elements by index within a multibody plant. More...
using JointIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class JointElementTag >
 Type used to identify joints by index within a multibody plant. More...
using JointActuatorIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class JointActuatorElementTag >
 Type used to identify actuators by index within a multibody plant. More...
using MultibodyConstraintId = Identifier< class ConstraintTag >
 Type used to identify constraint by id within a multibody plant. More...
using ModelInstanceIndex = TypeSafeIndex< class ModelInstanceTag >
 Type used to identify model instances by index within a multibody plant. More...


BodyIndex world_index ()
 For every MultibodyPlant the world body always has this unique index and it is always zero. More...
FrameIndex world_frame_index ()
 For every MultibodyPlant the world frame always has this unique index and it is always zero. More...
ModelInstanceIndex world_model_instance ()
 Returns the model instance containing the world body. More...
ModelInstanceIndex default_model_instance ()
 Returns the model instance which contains all tree elements with no explicit model instance specified. More...