Drake C++ Documentation
Inverse kinematics

Detailed Description

These algorithms help define configurations of dynamical systems based on inverse kinematics (IK).


class  ConstraintRelaxingIk
 A wrapper class around the IK planner. More...
class  GlobalInverseKinematics
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem as a mixed integer convex optimization problem. More...
class  InverseKinematics
 Solves an inverse kinematics (IK) problem on a MultibodyPlant, to find the postures of the robot satisfying certain constraints. More...


DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult DoDifferentialInverseKinematics (const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &q_current, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &v_current, const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &V, const Eigen::Ref< const MatrixX< double >> &J, const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters &parameters, const std::optional< Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >>> &N=std::nullopt, const std::optional< Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >>> &Nplus=std::nullopt)
 Computes a generalized velocity v_next, via the following MathematicalProgram: More...
DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult DoDifferentialInverseKinematics (const MultibodyPlant< double > &robot, const systems::Context< double > &context, const Vector6< double > &V_WE_desired, const Frame< double > &frame_E, const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters &parameters)
 A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(q_current, v_current, V, J, params) that tracks frame E's spatial velocity. More...
DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult DoDifferentialInverseKinematics (const MultibodyPlant< double > &robot, const systems::Context< double > &context, const Vector6< double > &V_AE_desired, const Frame< double > &frame_A, const Frame< double > &frame_E, const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters &parameters)
 A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(q_current, v_current, V, J, params) that tracks frame E's spatial velocity in frame A. More...
DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult DoDifferentialInverseKinematics (const MultibodyPlant< double > &robot, const systems::Context< double > &context, const math::RigidTransform< double > &X_WE_desired, const Frame< double > &frame_E, const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters &parameters)
 A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(robot, context, V_WE_desired, frame_E, params) that tracks frame E's pose in the world frame. More...
DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult DoDifferentialInverseKinematics (const MultibodyPlant< double > &robot, const systems::Context< double > &context, const math::RigidTransform< double > &X_AE_desired, const Frame< double > &frame_A, const Frame< double > &frame_E, const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters &parameters)
 A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(robot, context, V_AE_desired, frame_A, frame_E, params) that tracks frame E's pose in frame A. More...

Function Documentation

◆ DoDifferentialInverseKinematics() [1/5]

DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult drake::multibody::DoDifferentialInverseKinematics ( const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &  q_current,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &  v_current,
const Eigen::Ref< const VectorX< double >> &  V,
const Eigen::Ref< const MatrixX< double >> &  J,
const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters parameters,
const std::optional< Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >>> &  N = std::nullopt,
const std::optional< Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::SparseMatrix< double >>> &  Nplus = std::nullopt 

Computes a generalized velocity v_next, via the following MathematicalProgram:

-100 * alpha + |P⋅(v_next - N⁺(q)⋅K⋅(q_nominal - q_current))|²
J⋅v_next = alpha⋅V, // J⋅v_next has the same direction as V
0 <= alpha <= 1, // Never go faster than V
joint_lim_min <= q_current + N⋅v_next⋅dt <= joint_lim_max,
joint_vel_lim_min <= v_next <= joint_vel_lim_max,
joint_accel_lim_min <= (v_next - v_current)/dt <= joint_accel_lim_max,
and additional linear velocity constraints,


  • The rows of P form an orthonormal basis for the nullspace of J,
  • J.rows() == V.size(),
  • J.cols() == v_current.size() == v_next.size(),
  • V can have any size, with each element representing a constraint on the solution (6 constraints specifying an end-effector spatial velocity is typical, but not required),
  • K is the joint_centering_gain,
  • the "additional linear velocity constraints" are added via DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters::AddLinearVelocityConstraint().

Intuitively, this finds a v_next such that J*v_next is in the same direction as V, and the difference between |V| and |J * v_next| is minimized while all constraints in parameters are satisfied as well. In the nullspace of this objective, we have a secondary objective to minimize |v_next - N⁺(q)⋅K⋅(q_nominal - q_current)|².

For more details, see https://manipulation-csail-mit-edu.ezproxy.canberra.edu.au/pick.html#diff_ik_w_constraints .

If q_current is a feasible point, then v_next = 0 should always be a feasible solution. If the problem data is bad (q_current is infeasible, and no feasible velocities can restore feasibility in one step), then it is possible that the solver cannot find a solution, in which case, status will be set to kNoSolution in the returned DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult. If the velocity scaling, alpha, is very small, then the status will be set to kStuck.

q_currentThe current generalized position.
v_currentThe current generalized position.
VDesired spatial velocity. It must have the same number of rows as J.
JJacobian with respect to generalized velocities v. It must have the same number of rows as V. J * v needs to represent the same spatial velocity as V.
parametersCollection of various problem specific constraints and constants.
N(optional) matrix which maps q̇ = N(q)⋅v. See MultibodyPlant::MakeVelocityToQDotMap(). By default, it is taken to be the identity matrix. If dim(q) != dim(v) and any joint position limits are set in parameters, then you must provide N.
Nplus(optional) matrix which maps q̇ = N⁺(q)⋅v. See MultibodyPlant::MakeQDotToVelocityMap(). By default, it is taken to be the identity matrix. If dim(q) != dim(v) and J is not full column rank, then you must provide Nplus.
If the solver successfully finds a solution, joint_velocities will be set to v, otherwise it will be nullopt.

◆ DoDifferentialInverseKinematics() [2/5]

DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult drake::multibody::DoDifferentialInverseKinematics ( const MultibodyPlant< double > &  robot,
const systems::Context< double > &  context,
const Vector6< double > &  V_WE_desired,
const Frame< double > &  frame_E,
const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters parameters 

A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(q_current, v_current, V, J, params) that tracks frame E's spatial velocity.

q_current and v_current are taken from context. V and J are expressed in E, and only the elements with non-zero gains in parameters get_end_effector_velocity_gains() are used in the program.

robotA MultibodyPlant model.
contextMust be the Context of the MultibodyPlant. Contains the current generalized position and velocity.
V_WE_desiredDesired world frame spatial velocity of frame_E.
frame_EEnd effector frame.
parametersCollection of various problem specific constraints and constants.
If the solver successfully finds a solution, joint_velocities will be set to v, otherwise it will be nullopt.

◆ DoDifferentialInverseKinematics() [3/5]

DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult drake::multibody::DoDifferentialInverseKinematics ( const MultibodyPlant< double > &  robot,
const systems::Context< double > &  context,
const Vector6< double > &  V_AE_desired,
const Frame< double > &  frame_A,
const Frame< double > &  frame_E,
const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters parameters 

A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(q_current, v_current, V, J, params) that tracks frame E's spatial velocity in frame A.

q_current and v_current are taken from context. V and J are expressed in E, and only the elements with non-zero gains in parameters get_end_effector_velocity_gains() are used in the program.

robotA MultibodyPlant model.
contextMust be the Context of the MultibodyPlant. Contains the current generalized position and velocity.
V_AE_desiredDesired spatial velocity of frame_E in frame A.
frame_AReference frame (inertial or non-inertial).
frame_EEnd effector frame.
parametersCollection of various problem specific constraints and constants.
If the solver successfully finds a solution, joint_velocities will be set to v, otherwise it will be nullopt.

◆ DoDifferentialInverseKinematics() [4/5]

DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult drake::multibody::DoDifferentialInverseKinematics ( const MultibodyPlant< double > &  robot,
const systems::Context< double > &  context,
const math::RigidTransform< double > &  X_WE_desired,
const Frame< double > &  frame_E,
const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters parameters 

A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(robot, context, V_WE_desired, frame_E, params) that tracks frame E's pose in the world frame.

q_current and v_current are taken from context. V_WE_desired is computed by ComputePoseDiffInCommonFrame(X_WE, X_WE_desired) / dt, where X_WE is computed from context, and dt is taken from parameters.

robotA MultibodyPlant model.
contextMust be the Context of the MultibodyPlant. Contains the current generalized position and velocity.
X_WE_desiredDesired pose of frame_E in the world frame.
frame_EEnd effector frame.
parametersCollection of various problem specific constraints and constants.
If the solver successfully finds a solution, joint_velocities will be set to v, otherwise it will be nullopt.

◆ DoDifferentialInverseKinematics() [5/5]

DifferentialInverseKinematicsResult drake::multibody::DoDifferentialInverseKinematics ( const MultibodyPlant< double > &  robot,
const systems::Context< double > &  context,
const math::RigidTransform< double > &  X_AE_desired,
const Frame< double > &  frame_A,
const Frame< double > &  frame_E,
const DifferentialInverseKinematicsParameters parameters 

A wrapper over DoDifferentialInverseKinematics(robot, context, V_AE_desired, frame_A, frame_E, params) that tracks frame E's pose in frame A.

q_current and v_current are taken from context. V_AE_desired is computed by ComputePoseDiffInCommonFrame(X_AE, X_AE_desired) / dt, where X_WE is computed from context, and dt is taken from parameters.

robotA MultibodyPlant model.
contextMust be the Context of the MultibodyPlant. Contains the current generalized position and velocity.
X_AE_desiredDesired pose of frame_E in frame_A.
frame_AReference frame (inertial or non-inertial).
frame_EEnd effector frame.
parametersCollection of various problem specific constraints and constants.
If the solver successfully finds a solution, joint_velocities will be set to v, otherwise it will be nullopt.