Drake C++ Documentation
FemModel< T > Class Template Referenceabstract

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class drake::multibody::fem::FemModel< T >

FemModel calculates the components of the spatially discretized FEM equations for dynamic elasticity problems.

Typically, in dynamic elasticity problems, we are interested in the mapping that describes the motion of a material

ϕ(⋅,t) : Ω⁰ → Ωᵗ,

where Ω⁰ and Ωᵗ are subsets of R³, along with its first and second derivatives (velocity and acceleration respectively):

V(⋅,t) = ∂ϕ(⋅,t)/∂t,
A(⋅,t) = ∂²ϕ(⋅,t)/∂t².

We call Ω⁰ the reference domain and Ωᵗ the current domain. We use upper case letters to denote states (positions, velocities, and accelerations) in reference domain (X, V, A) and lower case letters to denote their current domain counterparts (x, v, a). In particular, x(X,t) = ϕ(X,t). The deformation gradient F(X,t) is given by ∂ϕ(X,t)/∂X.

The governing equations of interest are conservation of mass and conservation of momentum:

R(X,t)J(X,t) = R(X,0),
R(X,0)A(X,t) = fᵢₙₜ(X,t) + fₑₓₜ(X,t),

where R is mass density, fᵢₙₜ and fₑₓₜ are internal and external force densities respectively, and J is the determinant of the deformation gradient. Using finite element method to discretize in space, one gets

ϕ(X,t) = ∑ᵢ xᵢ(t)Nᵢ(X)
V(X,t) = ∑ᵢ vᵢ(t)Nᵢ(X)
A(X,t) = ∑ᵢ aᵢ(t)Nᵢ(X)

where xᵢ, vᵢ, aᵢ ∈ R³ are nodal values of the spatially discretized position, velocity and acceleration, and Nᵢ(X):Ω⁰ → R are the the basis functions. With this spatial discretization, the PDE is turned into an ODE of the form

G(x, v, a) = 0,            (1)

where x, v, a are the stacked xᵢ, vᵢ, aᵢ. FemModel provides methods to query various information about equation (1) and its derivatives given an FEM state (x, v, a).

We implement FemModel in FemModelImpl that templatizes on the type of FemElement. Many functionalities provided by FemModel (e.g. CalcTangentMatrix()) involve evaluating computationally intensive loops over FEM elements, and the overhead caused by virtual methods may be significant. We implement those functions in FemModelImpl templated on the FemElement to avoid the overhead of virtual methods. The type information at compile time also helps eliminate heap allocations.

Sifakis, Eftychios, and Jernej Barbič. "Finite element method simulation of 3d deformable solids." Synthesis Lectures on Visual Computing: Computer Graphics, Animation, Computational Photography, and Imaging 1.1 (2015): 1-69.

Template Parameters
TThe scalar type, which must be one of the default scalars.

#include <drake/multibody/fem/fem_model.h>


class  Builder
 Builder that builds the FemModel. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~FemModel ()
std::unique_ptr< FemModel< T > > Clone () const
int num_nodes () const
 The number of nodes that are associated with this model. More...
int num_dofs () const
 The number of degrees of freedom in this model. More...
virtual int num_elements () const =0
 The number of FEM elements in this model. More...
std::unique_ptr< FemState< T > > MakeFemState () const
 Creates a default FemState compatible with this model. More...
void CalcResidual (const FemState< T > &fem_state, const FemPlantData< T > &plant_data, EigenPtr< VectorX< T >> residual) const
 Calculates the residual G(x, v, a) (see class doc) evaluated at the given FEM state using the given plant_data. More...
void CalcTangentMatrix (const FemState< T > &fem_state, const Vector3< T > &weights, contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix *tangent_matrix) const
 Calculates an approximated tangent matrix evaluated at the given FEM state. More...
std::unique_ptr< contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix > MakeTangentMatrix () const
 Creates a symmetric block sparse matrix that has the sparsity pattern of the tangent matrix of this FEM model. More...
void ApplyBoundaryCondition (FemState< T > *fem_state) const
 Applies boundary condition set for this FemModel to the input state. More...
void SetDirichletBoundaryCondition (internal::DirichletBoundaryCondition< T > dirichlet_bc)
 Sets the Dirichlet boundary condition that this model is subject to. More...
const internal::DirichletBoundaryCondition< T > & dirichlet_boundary_condition () const
 Returns the Dirichlet boundary condition that this model is subject to. More...
bool is_linear () const
 Returns true the equation G(x, v, a) = 0 (see class documentation) corresponding to this FemModel is linear. More...
bool is_compatible_with (const FemState< T > &state) const
 Returns true if the given FEM state is compatible with this FEM model. More...
void ThrowIfModelStateIncompatible (const char *func, const FemState< T > &fem_state) const
 (Internal use only) Throws std::exception to report a mismatch between the FEM model and state that were passed to API method func. More...
Does not allow copy, move, or assignment
 FemModel (const FemModel &)=delete
FemModeloperator= (const FemModel &)=delete
 FemModel (FemModel &&)=delete
FemModeloperator= (FemModel &&)=delete

Protected Member Functions

 FemModel ()
 Constructs an empty FEM model. More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< FemModel< T > > DoClone () const =0
 FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation to make a deep copy of the concrete FemModel. More...
virtual VectorX< T > MakeReferencePositions () const =0
 Returns the reference positions of this model. More...
virtual void DoCalcResidual (const FemState< T > &fem_state, const FemPlantData< T > &plant_data, EigenPtr< VectorX< T >> residual) const =0
 FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI CalcResidual(). More...
virtual void DoCalcTangentMatrix (const FemState< T > &fem_state, const Vector3< T > &weights, contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix *tangent_matrix) const =0
 FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI CalcTangentMatrix(). More...
virtual std::unique_ptr< contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix > DoMakeTangentMatrix () const =0
 FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI MakeTangentMatrix(). More...
void UpdateFemStateSystem ()
 Updates the system that manages the states and the cache entries of this FEM model. More...
virtual void DeclareCacheEntries (internal::FemStateSystem< T > *fem_state_system)=0
 Derived classes should override this method to declare cache entries in the given fem_state_system. More...
virtual bool do_is_linear () const =0
 Derived classes should override this method to indicate if the model is linear. More...
const internal::FemStateSystem< T > & fem_state_system () const
 Returns the FemStateSystem that manages the states and cache entries in this FemModel. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FemModel() [1/3]

FemModel ( const FemModel< T > &  )

◆ FemModel() [2/3]

FemModel ( FemModel< T > &&  )

◆ ~FemModel()

virtual ~FemModel ( )

◆ FemModel() [3/3]

FemModel ( )

Constructs an empty FEM model.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyBoundaryCondition()

void ApplyBoundaryCondition ( FemState< T > *  fem_state) const

Applies boundary condition set for this FemModel to the input state.

No-op if no boundary condition is set.

fem_state != nullptr.
std::exceptionif the FEM state is incompatible with this model.

◆ CalcResidual()

void CalcResidual ( const FemState< T > &  fem_state,
const FemPlantData< T > &  plant_data,
EigenPtr< VectorX< T >>  residual 
) const

Calculates the residual G(x, v, a) (see class doc) evaluated at the given FEM state using the given plant_data.

The residual for degrees of freedom with Dirichlet boundary conditions is set to zero. Therefore their residual should not be used as a metric for the error on the boundary condition.

residual != nullptr.
std::exceptionif the FEM state is incompatible with this model.

◆ CalcTangentMatrix()

void CalcTangentMatrix ( const FemState< T > &  fem_state,
const Vector3< T > &  weights,
contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix *  tangent_matrix 
) const

Calculates an approximated tangent matrix evaluated at the given FEM state.

The tangent matrix is given by a weighted sum of stiffness matrix (∂G/∂x), damping matrix (∂G/∂v), and mass matrix (∂G/∂a). The corresponding row and column for a degree of freedom with Dirichlet boundary condition in the tangent matrix is set to zero with the exception of the diagonal entries which is set to a scalar multiple of identity.

[in]fem_stateThe FemState used to evaluate the tangent matrix.
[in]weightsThe weights used to combine stiffness, damping, and mass matrices (in that order) into the tangent matrix.
[out]tangent_matrixThe output tangent_matrix.
tangent_matrix != nullptr.
The size of tangent_matrix is num_dofs() * num_dofs().
All nonzero entries in the resulting tangent matrix have been allocated. See MakeTangentMatrix().
All entries in weights are non-negative.
This function sometimes makes simplifying approximations to avoid taking overly complicated derivatives. As such, the resulting tangent matrix may be an approximation of the actual value depending on the constitutive model used.
std::exceptionif the FEM state is incompatible with this model.
std::exceptionif T is not double.

◆ Clone()

std::unique_ptr<FemModel<T> > Clone ( ) const

◆ DeclareCacheEntries()

virtual void DeclareCacheEntries ( internal::FemStateSystem< T > *  fem_state_system)
protectedpure virtual

Derived classes should override this method to declare cache entries in the given fem_state_system.

◆ dirichlet_boundary_condition()

const internal::DirichletBoundaryCondition<T>& dirichlet_boundary_condition ( ) const

Returns the Dirichlet boundary condition that this model is subject to.

◆ do_is_linear()

virtual bool do_is_linear ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Derived classes should override this method to indicate if the model is linear.

◆ DoCalcResidual()

virtual void DoCalcResidual ( const FemState< T > &  fem_state,
const FemPlantData< T > &  plant_data,
EigenPtr< VectorX< T >>  residual 
) const
protectedpure virtual

FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI CalcResidual().

The input fem_state is guaranteed to be compatible with this FEM model, and the input residual is guaranteed to be non-null and properly sized.

◆ DoCalcTangentMatrix()

virtual void DoCalcTangentMatrix ( const FemState< T > &  fem_state,
const Vector3< T > &  weights,
contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix *  tangent_matrix 
) const
protectedpure virtual

FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI CalcTangentMatrix().

The input fem_state is guaranteed to be compatible with this FEM model, and the input tangent_matrix is guaranteed to be non-null and properly sized.

◆ DoClone()

virtual std::unique_ptr<FemModel<T> > DoClone ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation to make a deep copy of the concrete FemModel.

◆ DoMakeTangentMatrix()

virtual std::unique_ptr< contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix> DoMakeTangentMatrix ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

FemModelImpl must override this method to provide an implementation for the NVI MakeTangentMatrix().

◆ fem_state_system()

const internal::FemStateSystem<T>& fem_state_system ( ) const

Returns the FemStateSystem that manages the states and cache entries in this FemModel.

◆ is_compatible_with()

bool is_compatible_with ( const FemState< T > &  state) const

Returns true if the given FEM state is compatible with this FEM model.

◆ is_linear()

bool is_linear ( ) const

Returns true the equation G(x, v, a) = 0 (see class documentation) corresponding to this FemModel is linear.

◆ MakeFemState()

std::unique_ptr<FemState<T> > MakeFemState ( ) const

Creates a default FemState compatible with this model.

◆ MakeReferencePositions()

virtual VectorX<T> MakeReferencePositions ( ) const
protectedpure virtual

Returns the reference positions of this model.

◆ MakeTangentMatrix()

std::unique_ptr<contact_solvers::internal::Block3x3SparseSymmetricMatrix> MakeTangentMatrix ( ) const

Creates a symmetric block sparse matrix that has the sparsity pattern of the tangent matrix of this FEM model.

In particular, the size of the tangent matrix is num_dofs() by num_dofs(). All entries are initialized to zero.

std::exceptionif T is not double.

◆ num_dofs()

int num_dofs ( ) const

The number of degrees of freedom in this model.

◆ num_elements()

virtual int num_elements ( ) const
pure virtual

The number of FEM elements in this model.

◆ num_nodes()

int num_nodes ( ) const

The number of nodes that are associated with this model.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

FemModel& operator= ( const FemModel< T > &  )

◆ operator=() [2/2]

FemModel& operator= ( FemModel< T > &&  )

◆ SetDirichletBoundaryCondition()

void SetDirichletBoundaryCondition ( internal::DirichletBoundaryCondition< T >  dirichlet_bc)

Sets the Dirichlet boundary condition that this model is subject to.

◆ ThrowIfModelStateIncompatible()

void ThrowIfModelStateIncompatible ( const char *  func,
const FemState< T > &  fem_state 
) const

(Internal use only) Throws std::exception to report a mismatch between the FEM model and state that were passed to API method func.

◆ UpdateFemStateSystem()

void UpdateFemStateSystem ( )

Updates the system that manages the states and the cache entries of this FEM model.

Must be called before calling MakeFemState() after the FEM model changes (e.g. adding new elements).

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