Drake C++ Documentation
acrobot_lcm.h File Reference

Detailed Description

This file contains classes dealing with sending/receiving LCM messages related to acrobot.

The classes in this file are based on iiwa_lcm.h

#include <memory>
#include "drake/examples/acrobot/acrobot_state.h"
#include "drake/lcmt_acrobot_u.hpp"
#include "drake/lcmt_acrobot_x.hpp"
#include "drake/systems/framework/basic_vector.h"
#include "drake/systems/framework/leaf_system.h"
Include dependency graph for acrobot_lcm.h:


class  AcrobotStateReceiver
 Receives the output of an LcmSubsriberSystem that subsribes to the acrobot state channel with LCM type lcmt_acrobot_x, and outputs the acrobot states as an AcrobotState. More...
class  AcrobotCommandSender
 Receives the output of an acrobot controller, and outputs it as an LCM message with type lcm_acrobot_u. More...
class  AcrobotCommandReceiver
 Receives the output of an LcmSubscriberSystem that subscribes to the acrobot input channel with LCM type lcmt_acrobot_u, and outputs the acrobot input as a BasicVector. More...
class  AcrobotStateSender
 Receives the output of an acrobot_plant, and outputs it as an LCM message with type lcm_acrobot_x. More...

