Drake C++ Documentation
Joint< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Joint< T >, including all inherited members.

acceleration_lower_limits() constJoint< T >
acceleration_upper_limits() constJoint< T >
AddInDamping(const systems::Context< T > &context, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) constJoint< T >
AddInOneForce(const systems::Context< T > &context, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) constJoint< T >
can_rotate() constJoint< T >
can_translate() constJoint< T >
child_body() constJoint< T >
DeclareAbstractParameter(internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const AbstractValue &model_value)MultibodyElement< T >protected
DeclareNumericParameter(internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system, const systems::BasicVector< T > &model_vector)MultibodyElement< T >protected
DeclareParameters(internal::MultibodyTreeSystem< T > *tree_system)MultibodyElement< T >
default_damping_vector() constJoint< T >
default_positions() constJoint< T >
do_get_num_positions() const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_get_num_velocities() const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_get_position_start() const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_get_position_suffix(int index) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_get_velocity_start() const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_get_velocity_suffix(int index) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
do_set_default_positions(const VectorX< double > &default_positions)=0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
DoAddInDamping(const systems::Context< T > &, MultibodyForces< T > *) constJoint< T >protectedvirtual
DoAddInOneForce(const systems::Context< T > &context, int joint_dof, const T &joint_tau, MultibodyForces< T > *forces) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
DoCloneToScalar(const internal::MultibodyTree< double > &tree_clone) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
DoCloneToScalar(const internal::MultibodyTree< AutoDiffXd > &tree_clone) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
DoCloneToScalar(const internal::MultibodyTree< symbolic::Expression > &) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
DoGetDefaultPosePair() constJoint< T >protectedvirtual
DoGetOnePosition(const systems::Context< T > &) constJoint< T >protectedvirtual
DoGetOneVelocity(const systems::Context< T > &) constJoint< T >protectedvirtual
DoSetDefaultPosePair(const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM)Joint< T >protectedvirtual
DoSetTopology(const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &) overrideJoint< T >protectedvirtual
frame_on_child() constJoint< T >
frame_on_parent() constJoint< T >
get_implementation() constJoint< T >protected
get_parent_tree() constMultibodyElement< T >protected
GetDampingVector(const systems::Context< T > &context) constJoint< T >
GetDefaultPose() constJoint< T >
GetDefaultPosePair() constJoint< T >
GetOnePosition(const systems::Context< T > &context) constJoint< T >
GetOneVelocity(const systems::Context< T > &context) constJoint< T >
GetParentPlant() constMultibodyElement< T >
GetParentTreeSystem() constMultibodyElement< T >protected
has_implementation() constJoint< T >protected
index() constJoint< T >
index_impl() constMultibodyElement< T >protected
internal::JointImplementationBuilder< T > classJoint< T >friend
is_locked(const systems::Context< T > &context) constJoint< T >
Joint classJoint< T >friend
Joint(const Joint &)=deleteJoint< T >
Joint(Joint &&)=deleteJoint< T >
Joint(const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, VectorX< double > damping, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits)Joint< T >
Joint(const std::string &name, const Frame< T > &frame_on_parent, const Frame< T > &frame_on_child, const VectorX< double > &pos_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &pos_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &vel_upper_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &acc_upper_limits)Joint< T >
Lock(systems::Context< T > *context) constJoint< T >
MakeImplementationBlueprint(const internal::SpanningForest::Mobod &mobod) const =0Joint< T >protectedpure virtual
model_instance() constMultibodyElement< T >
MultibodyElement(const MultibodyElement &)=deleteMultibodyElement< T >
MultibodyElement(MultibodyElement &&)=deleteMultibodyElement< T >
MultibodyElement()MultibodyElement< T >protected
MultibodyElement(ModelInstanceIndex model_instance)MultibodyElement< T >explicitprotected
MultibodyElement(ModelInstanceIndex model_instance, int64_t index)MultibodyElement< T >explicitprotected
name() constJoint< T >
num_positions() constJoint< T >
num_velocities() constJoint< T >
operator=(const Joint &)=deleteJoint< T >
operator=(Joint &&)=deleteJoint< T >
drake::multibody::MultibodyElement::operator=(const MultibodyElement &)=deleteMultibodyElement< T >
drake::multibody::MultibodyElement::operator=(MultibodyElement &&)=deleteMultibodyElement< T >
ordinal() constJoint< T >
ordinal_impl() constMultibodyElement< T >protected
parent_body() constJoint< T >
position_lower_limits() constJoint< T >
position_start() constJoint< T >
position_suffix(int position_index_in_joint) constJoint< T >
position_upper_limits() constJoint< T >
set_acceleration_limits(const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)Joint< T >
set_default_damping_vector(const VectorX< double > &damping)Joint< T >
set_default_positions(const VectorX< double > &default_positions)Joint< T >
set_position_limits(const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)Joint< T >
set_velocity_limits(const VectorX< double > &lower_limits, const VectorX< double > &upper_limits)Joint< T >
SetDampingVector(systems::Context< T > *context, const VectorX< T > &damping) constJoint< T >
SetDefaultParameters(systems::Parameters< T > *parameters) constMultibodyElement< T >
SetDefaultPose(const math::RigidTransform< double > &X_FM)Joint< T >
SetDefaultPosePair(const Quaternion< double > &q_FM, const Vector3< double > &p_FM)Joint< T >
SetTopology(const internal::MultibodyTreeTopology &tree)MultibodyElement< T >protected
tree_frames(bool use_reversed_mobilizer) constJoint< T >protected
type_name() const =0Joint< T >pure virtual
Unlock(systems::Context< T > *context) constJoint< T >
velocity_lower_limits() constJoint< T >
velocity_start() constJoint< T >
velocity_suffix(int velocity_index_in_joint) constJoint< T >
velocity_upper_limits() constJoint< T >
~Joint()Joint< T >virtual
~MultibodyElement()MultibodyElement< T >virtual